Danzii Designs
Free Crochet Patterns, Pokemon Crochet, Commissions, Pattern testing and more..
Hello! I am Danzii and this is my place to share my love of Crochet and Pokemon.
My lovely little dog here is called Evie, inspired by the pokemon of course. She is ¾ Chihuahua with ¼ Westie (West Highland Terrier) although you really cant tell by looking at her, she's just a bit chunkier than a normal chihuahua. I got her in August 2015 and her birth date is the 11th June 2015. I honestly don't know where I would be without her she has helped me through the worst times in my life. I love her more than anything.
I began to teach myself to crochet in June 2016 and have quickly become obsessed with it. I will be posting my projects on here which should hopefully be able to show any progression I make. Any tips and ideas would be great. :)
My personal crochet challenge is to crochet myself all of the Pokemon..!